Basement Demo and Plans

Last weekend, we demo’d our basement! With the help of my parents, we were able to finish demo in just two days and completely fill a 30 yard dumpster. After ripping out the wood paneling, ceiling tiles, a couple walls and closets, and former bathroom fixtures, we have a blank slate to start fresh with

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2018 Renovation Recap & a Look Ahead at 2019

2018 marked our second full year of owning our fifties fixer upper, and although we kept busy with projects, we took plenty of time to enjoy life outside of house projects as well. We also had some exciting advancements and changes with our “brand” and we’re planning on quite a few exciting things for 2019.

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2017 Renovation Recap

This article was originally shared on my original blog,, in December 2017. 2017 was a slow renovation year for us, it seemed. A lot of the projects we were working on seemed to take FOR.EVER (cough- master bathroom- cough). Looking back though, there were quite a few things we accomplished and I’m laying them

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