Sharing an update on the status of the #SimaSixtiesSplit renovation, from demo to drywall installation and everything in between. Plus, a peek at our to-do list while we wait for the kitchen cabinets to be built!
ORC Week 4: How We Created an Electrical Plan for Our Basement Remodel
This week, I’m discussing how we created an electrical plan for the entire basement, including specifics on outlets, switches, and lighting.
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ORC Week 3: DRYWALL, and Tips for Hiring Trades
Whether you’re new around here or a long-time reader, welcome! My husband Josh and I have been renovating our 1952 home for the past 4 years, almost entirely on our own. We’re tackling the entire basement for this spring’s One Room Challenge (ORC), and it’s the final project we need to complete to call our home
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Home Projects
Spring 2018 ORC: Week 5
This post was originally shared on my former website,, in April 2018. Hello & welcome! For those of you are new to my blog, welcome! My husband Josh and I have been renovating our home since we bought it back in April 2016. We do 90% of the work ourselves, from design to construction to decorating! So